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College Advising

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
-Ephesians 2:10

At Westminster, we seek to prepare our students for a life well lived in service to God and their neighbor. This view considers not just what students are, but what they will become as they advance from childhood to adulthood.

We teach our Westminster students to love and pursue truth, goodness, and beauty in all things. We encourage them to continue this pursuit beyond the Westminster campus by equipping them with the tools of wisdom, virtue, and eloquence. Our hope is that throughout the equipping process, experiences on our campus will shape our students to live out the Gospel message regardless of where the Lord may direct them in the future.

We designed the college advising process at Westminster to help students find that next step beyond their high school career. We seek to help our students find peace and rest in the consideration of the next phase of life to which the Lord leads them, and to help them rest in the understanding that the Lord knows the path before they walk it. As college advisors, we remind our students that college acceptance is not a prize to win, but rather a joyful discovery of the next phase of life.

College Advising Office

Westminster School at Oak Mountain
5080 Cahaba Valley Trace
Birmingham, AL 35242
(205) 995-9694
CEEB: 010382

Co-Directors of
College Advising