Visual Arts
Our Approach
We aspire to train and equip students to understand many aspects of art. From Van Gogh to chiaroscuro, we want to expose them to all aspects of art, including history, concept, and technique. Additionally, we want students to understand that the creator God is the source of all beauty and knowledge. And we want them to recognize that as the bearers of his image, they have an innate need, desire, and ability to create.
Art education is included in both the Lower and Upper Schools. In the Lower School, students will take art from kindergarten through sixth grade. The curriculum focuses on training them to recognize various styles, work with several different mediums, identify a broad range of artists, and develop and enhance an appreciation for beauty and the creative process. Likewise, our Upper School program provides students with the conceptual language and elementary skills for appreciating and practicing art in a variety of mediums.
For more information on the art education at Westminster, please feel free to contact Cathye Price.
Our curriculum focuses on:
understanding that the creator God is the source of all beauty and knowledge. Students learn that as the bearers of his image, they have an innate need, desire, and ability to create.
training students to recognize various styles, work with several different mediums, identify a broad range of artists, and develop and enhance an appreciation for beauty and the creative process.
Teaching students the conceptual language and developing skills in creating works of art and appreciating the art of western civilization.
Studio Art
At the upper school students have the opportunity to take an elective studio art course developing and exploring individual student abilities.